Social Finance, and Thomas Edison

I believe Finance can become better .
I believe Finance should help anyone achieve his dreams and make the world a better place .
I believe in Social Finance 
In Social Finance, all members can get Social dividend (or Social Credits) to their account based on their contribution to the society.

Social finance can apply to any type of financial transaction : trading, investing, payments and payment methods, virtual credits, virtual goods, insurance, debt, tax payments, IPO, M&A and any form of banking.

If truly all the members of society try to help one another, for example, donate every month for the health of other can replace Insurance, by building a social insurance network . IPO and fund raising are being replaced by  Crowd funding .

Anyone can use Social finance, all Social Finance transactions are transparent, and all transaction are with virtual credits.
Virtual credit is better than money, it has less constraints and friction and therefore can move faster and generate more opportunities for more people, any member constantly Social Credits to his account for doing any work for the network, people choose how much to contribute if at all. 

The world is becoming smaller, socially connected, transparent, and based on trust (rather than prices), and therefore finance should adapt and become social finance. Free for everyone by everyone.

Thomas Edison Invented “stock ticker, a mechanical vote recorder, a battery for an electric car, electrical power, recorded music and motion pictures.” . WOW this person invented so many things 100+ years ago, that it makes all of the current “innovation” period in the internet look small compared to that. Steve Jobs invented a small machine to hear recorded music on, and how people buy recorded music. Thomas Edison Invented recorded music. Soon the internet will really start changing our life, Social computing a form of programming which is dynamic and constantly changes with humans constantly changing code and updating the network in real time, will enable much faster inventions coming to life, and we will see a boom similar to the one more than a hundred years ago. 
Social Finance is key for that transition to happen, Social Finance accelerates the formation and exchange of finance (raise money faster, collaborate to invent faster, develop faster etc, launch faster, create financial model faster etc’).

Social Finance is soon going to over take traditional finance, its just a matter of product.

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